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This page contains audio stories of
the life and times of the Author
Steve Caresser, enjoy.

^ A little of "Endearing Endurance"
a true Then & Now coming book
recorded in Steve Caressers voice!
A little of then --- I meet "Hey You!"
A scary campfire story in Steve Caressers voice.

Audio Excerpts from "Endearing Endurance"
recorded in the Authors voice.

Endearing Endurance Part 1 Directory:
Tear Jerker - 12 minutes
Caught in a deadly storm 6 1/2 minutes
6th grade - 4 minutes
Hidding A Cat - 8 minutes
Church burning - 4 minutes
Heroic Tippy Dog - 5 minutes
Hard Childhood lessen - 2 minutes
I meet "Hey You!" - 10 minutes
The Caressers first romance! - 6 minutes
A sneaky Caresser! - 5 minutes
Steve develops a mischievous spirit! - 7 minutes

Plz comment below 4 "The Caresser" of this story :) easy no log in.

The Caresser on a good day.

... Listen to the excerpts of "Endearing Endurance" a true then & now story of Steve Caressers life. About the Author Steve Caresser, Murder on the Tuolumne River, a true mysterious campfire story by Steve Caresser 10min audio