"Hero Tippy Dog" has 6 Grand Reviews.
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Brilliant. Someone sent me the transcript of this spceeh when he stepped down from Apple. I forwarded it to my 3 children to read and learn and digest. So very powerful. What a legacy this man leaves behind. Marcos

What a great story, good thing you had "Tippy" with you! :) Laura Wright LaRoche

I love Tippy, I was so little when he got hit and ran under the house and died. Is that what happened? I was only 3.....am I remembering right brother? Sissy

Loved it, such a great story! yolanda and aj

Awww!!! Too Sweet!!! TY for sharing with us!!! This one is on Emily's list of most loved. :-D Vonda Norwood

Totally agree. There's also this wonderful quote, taken I think from this speceh Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma which is living with the reasons of other people's thinking. Don't let the noise of others' opinions drown out your inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary. Jessie

^ A little of "Endearing Endurance"
a true Then & Now coming book
recorded in Steve Caressers voice!
A bit of then "Hero Tippy Dog"

Tear Jerker - 12 minutes
Caught in a deadly storm 6 1/2 minutes
6th grade - 4 minutes
Hidding A Cat - 8 minutes
Church burning - 4 minutes
Heroic Tippy Dog - 5 minutes
Hard Childhood lessen - 2 minutes
I meet "Hey You!" - 10 minutes
The Caressers first romance! - 6 minutes
A sneaky Caresser! - 5 minutes
Steve develops a mischievous spirit! - 7 minutes

Plz comment below 4 "The Caresser" of this story :)

The Caresser on a good day.

... Listen to the 1st audio excerpts of "Endearing Endurance" a true then & now story of Steve Caressers life. About the Author Steve Caresser, his books and his fight with for life. Steve Caressers taking a break at ePrinted Books